Dungeon Predator

Chapter 532. Sacred Duel (2)

Chapter 532. Sacred Duel (2)

Translator: Boko

All bark and no bite.

Kang Oh and Dukeram\'s fight would make one think of this phrase.

These men were ranked 1st and 2nd!

However, their fight was neither showy nor intense. On the contrary, other players might find this fight dull and boring.

The two swung their swords, blocked/avoided each other\'s strikes, and then repeated this sequence over and over again. They only used basic skills against each other too; skills like Slash, Steel Slash, Vital Thrust, etc.

Most players wouldn\'t be able to understand the intricacies of their fight.

The two engaged in psychological warfare, adding in feints by deliberately leaving themselves open, looking someplace else, or using slight movements to indicate a certain action.

Their blades would suddenly stop, and be swung a different way. They would also adjust the strength/speed of their blows in order to break through their opponent\'s guard!

They even fought each other for the slightest of advantages, such as picking a more advantageous position!

It was a battle to determine who was the better swordsman! If either of them read their opponent wrong, then a fatal blow would be awaiting them!

That\'s also why they only used basic techniques.

Although basic skills were weak, their movements were tight, so they didn\'t expose a player to attack.

There was no clear victor yet. They were still both feeling each other out! And till now, they were dead even.

Kang Oh swung his twin demon swords with grace and precision.

Dukeram smoothly swung his glittering, sky blue blade.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The three blades locked together, releasing a heavy \'clang\'.

It appeared as though Kang Oh and Dukeram were softly swinging their swords. However, the power behind their blows was by no means weak. Thus, a heavy sound would reverberate throughout the room whenever their blades met.

These heavy blows never made contact. Neither side could land a fatal blow, never mind even graze their opponent.

Both sides didn\'t think much of it. This much was to be expected.

Then, Dukeram\'s lips slightly curled upwards.

\'He\'s like a completely different person.\'

Dukeram had fought Kang Oh in the past. At the time, Kang Oh had been weaker than him.

He couldn\'t fight as well, his equipment was inferior, and his level was lower. He was weaker in every aspect!

Moreover, Kang Oh used to have a clear weakness. It was a weakness that he shared with every dual wielder. Dukeram exploited this weakness, making him invincible against dual wielders.

What was it?

Dual wielders had a tendency to always alternate between their blades. When they switch from one blade to the next, they often leave themselves open. Striking at that precise moment will leave you with an advantage.

Kang Oh had done so in the past.

Of course, Kang Oh\'s skill far exceeded that of a normal player\'s, but he still possessed that fundamental weakness that all dual wielders shared.

However, he was completely different now.

It was as if he were battling against two swordsmen fighting in complete harmony. He didn\'t see a single weakness that he could exploit when Kang Oh was alternating between his two blades.


\'He even deliberately leaves himself open while he\'s alternating between his swords.\'

They weren\'t unconvincing either.

Kang Oh had crossed his swords, which left himself open, and Dukeram had unknowingly fallen for the trap.

Of course, Dukeram had realized that it was a trap when Kang Oh\'s blade came flying at his neck.

\'He\'s truly amazing.\'

Dukeram\'s eyes gleamed. It was like his heart was beating out of his chest.

How long has it been since he\'s felt this tension and excitement during a fight?

\'As expected of Kang Oh.\'

In his Warlord days, Kang Oh had reigned supreme as number one!

It was as if he had gone back to those days. No, he was even stronger now than he was back then.

\'Good, good!\'

Dukeram began to swing his sword with even greater ferocity. It was as if a fierce tiger was finally revealing its hidden claws.

* * *

He lives up to his reputation.

Kang Oh understood why Dukeram had remained rank 1 all this time.

\'Strong\' didn\'t even cut it when describing him. His strength was perfect.

However, Kang Oh could see Dukeram\'s limitations too.

\'No, he\'s definitely not perfect.\'

Kang Oh had broken his limitations, and had received tutelage from the continent\'s greatest swordsmen like Sven or Valan.

Plus, he had repeatedly sparred against the Invincible Gladiator, Burkan, and had corrected any mistakes that he found.

On the other hand, Dukeram was still limited; he was under the illusion that he was perfect. Unlike Kang Oh, he hadn\'t had anyone that could show him the error of his ways.

Plus, Dukeram\'s swordsmanship was incredibly formulaic. His style heavily relied on his fundamental abilities, which made him like an impenetrable fortress!

It was the ideal style for most swordsmen. However, that was exactly why it was so inflexible and limited.

As proof of this...

Kang Oh swung Sarahoff, but let go of it mid swing. Dukeram widened his eyes in shock.

\'You let go of your sword!?\'

Dukeram couldn\'t even fathom doing that during battle.

Sarahoff spun through the air at a strange angle.

He hadn\'t used Weapon Bombardment. He simply let it go naturally. The sword returned to him and came flying at Dukeram\'s back.

Dukeram blocked Sarahoff with Max Cain.


However, he was a bit too late.

Transcendent Blade!

Demon Sword Blood, which emitted a mysterious, yet ominous light, shot out like a laser and flashed through the air.


He thrust his snow-white blade at Dukeram\'s body. Dukeram hadn\'t been able to react in time.

However, he heard an unexpected sound.


Blood bounced off of Dukeram\'s armor. Moreover, not a single shard of light fell from his body.

It was due to his armor.

Invincible Tarsonis!

It was an SS-rank armor set, which had an ability called \'Absolute Defense\'. This ability had a fixed chance of completely nullifying the damage taken from an attack.

Plus, the first attack he took would always be blocked by the effects of Absolute Defense.

That\'s why Kang Oh\'s attack failed. Dukeram immediately counterattacked.

One of Dukeram\'s specialties was using the Tarsonis Armor to block an attack, and then unleash a powerful counter.

Max Cain activated its item effect.

Supersonic Slash!

Whenever you attacked with Max Cain, it would slowly charge up. When it was fully charged, it could unleash an attack called Supersonic Slash.


Supersonic Slash truly did live up to its name; it flew towards Kang Oh at supersonic speed.


Kang Oh reacted extremely quickly. Once he felt his Hyper Intuition\'s warning, he protected himself with Sarahoff.


Sword Parry!


He slanted Sarahoff, and a sharp \'screech\' rang out as Max Cain\'s sky blue blade slid off his sword.

\'Holy shit!\'

It wasn\'t enough that he blocked Supersonic Slash, but he had also used Sword Parry as well!

Dukeram couldn\'t believe what had just happened.

Kang Oh grinned.

While sparring with Burkan, he had often been on the receiving end of many of his Transcendent Blades. Thus, he gained the ability to counter any ridiculously fast attack.

In any case, Dukeram wobbled on his feet, and left a huge opening on his right side.

Even without his Hyper Intuition, Kang Oh could tell that this was a perfect time to attack.

Blood Emperor!

His snow-white blade, which was coated in blood red energy, was swung diagonally. Then, an Emperor\'s Strike was unleashed.

A violent wave came rushing at Dukeram. It was like he was being attacked by a swarm of red ants.

The glimmering red energy greedily devoured the shards of light.


Dukeram rolled onto the floor.

However, he stood up faster than he expected.

Moreover, a lump of brown sand fell from the area he\'d just been hit.

Dukeram had protected himself with an ability from his secondary class, Desert Emperor. Through it, he was able to minimize the damage he took.

However, he had taken a huge hit to his pride.

He hadn\'t planned on using his Desert Emperor abilities.

After all, this wasn\'t the last time he\'d fight Kang Oh. When they began their war of conquest, he would probably fight Kang Oh again.

His \'Desert Emperor\' class was a trump card for his fight with Kang Oh. He wasn\'t supposed to reveal it already.

But the moment Kang Oh\'s Blood Emperor hit him, he realized that he would take way too much damage, so he had belatedly summoned the immortal sand to protect him.

\'Damn it.\'

It couldn\'t be helped. He had shown his hand. This was a clear indication that he was weaker than Kang Oh.

Then, he locked eyes with Kang Oh.

Kang Oh was arrogantly looking down on him.

\'How dare you!?\'


Dukeram gritted his teeth.

From Arth\'s inception, Dukeram had never looked up to anyone. There had never been anyone who looked down on him either.

However, he had met an opponent that had made him experience both.

Feelings of inferiority, anger, jealousy, etc. welled within him. These negative feelings mixed together like clay and rolled through his body.

\'I can\'t accept this!\'

Dukeram fiercely swung his sword.

Sword that Brings Victory!

A giant pillar of light rose from Max Cain.

It was a complete mistake. A mistake made by the man described as \'perfect\' by Jegal.

Using such a large-scale skill right now was definitely the wrong move.

\'This is my chance!\'

Red Demon\'s Dance!

Kang Oh left behind an afterimage whenever he moved.


He just barely dodged the golden energy.

Kang Oh was so close that he could hear the power that it contained. However, he hadn\'t been hit, so whatever sound it made didn\'t matter.

Kang Oh quickly closed the distance.

He didn\'t need a big move.

He needed a small, quick, and unblockable move. If it had the power to back it up, even better.

Mad Wind\'s Sword!

His dual demon swords danced through the air.


Raging winds followed his swords.

Swish, slash, swish, slash, swish!

Sword scars lined Dukeram\'s body. Red shards of light continuously spilled out.

Kang Oh\'s second and fifth attacks were nullified by Dukeram\'s armor, but it didn\'t matter. Dukeram was a player, not a boss with a ton of HP; not to mention the fact that he was a Swordsman/Desert Emperor, both of which didn\'t specialize in defense.

He instantly lowered Dukeram\'s HP to below half, regardless of how amazing Dukeram\'s armor was.

Dukeram wasn\'t the only one with the finest equipment around.


He couldn\'t just sit there and take it.

Dukeram\'s eyes glowed, and powerful energy rose from his body like a haze.

Enlightened One!

This secret move increased the power and speed of any swordsman-related action, and also increased the swordsman\'s stats, HP, MP, and the rest of their abilities as well.

Immortal Guardian!

This was a defensive technique usable by a Desert Emperor. Immortal sand stuck to Dukeram\'s feet, and spread across his body.

Valhalla\'s Wings!

Dukeram\'s necklace glowed, and he unfurled beautiful wings from his back. This ability would double his abilities for 10 minutes!

Space-Time Slash!

Finally, he unleashed a slash that distorted the laws of both space and time.

By using all of his abilities, Dukeram had instantly become far stronger than Kang Oh.

Bam, bam, bam!

Max Cain\'s murderous energy sliced through Kang Oh. Red shards of light burst from his body.

Kang Oh was forced onto the defensive, and focused on blocking Dukeram\'s strikes with his twin demon swords.

\'Die, die, die!\'

Dukeram pushed him back, his eyes reflecting his murderous intent.

However, true strength was reflected in an individual who kept his head cool, even when his heart was as hot as lava.

Dukeram was usually the personification of this ideal. But right now, he was the complete opposite.

This was the first time he\'d experienced this feeling of inferiority, loss, and above all, anger. He couldn\'t focus on anything else but these emotions.


Kang Oh left himself open.

Dukeram immediately aimed for his weak point. He had completely fallen for Kang Oh\'s trap.


An attack, reflecting all of his pent up emotions, came flying at Kang Oh.

Kang Oh twisted his body to the side, and avoided Dukeram\'s attack by a hair\'s breadth.

What if Dukeram had been a little calmer? His blade would\'ve been sharper, and Kang Oh wouldn\'t have been able to dodge his attack.

However, Max Cain simply grazed Kang Oh\'s body.

Dukeram exposed his neck. It didn\'t matter if the Tarsonis Armor was protecting him or not.

Ring of Frost!

A cold wave rippled outwards. It had even frozen a level 600 boss monster, the Serpentra Queen, before.

There was no way Dukeram could resist its effects.

His handsome face and robust body turned into a frozen statue.

Of course, he had high elemental resistance, so he would break out of it in no time.

However, Kang Oh wouldn\'t just sit back and let him recover. He raised Sarahoff into the air and forcefully swung downwards.


The ice statue broke into pieces.

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